Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Pure Pool Pumping Pleasure..

Think the title says it all.... There was so much hype and mystery surrounding the Nike Pool, from the teasers that spoofed dated sitcoms and the echoing game of Chinese whispers which let only created more and more creative ideas and a heightened sense of anticipation.

A few months on and the POOL has reared it's big, blue , beautiful face. The Setup looks incredible and rides better than words can describe im sure..

If your reading this, you may be fully aware of the carnage that went down in finals on saturday, from the Blue Falcon' well deserved best trick/ line, to the variety of styles of riders that managed to utilise every last piece of the course.

This time round Nike again left the ramps for the public to ride, but this time for a limited time of just a month.. not to bad considering the quality of the ramps your going to ride.

The first night that pool was open to the public go heaving pretty quickly and drew in a ton of riders, from far and wide. With alot of great riding going on it seemed alot of riders felt the urge to see what all the talk was about, and i can be sure no one was dissapointed.

In amogstt the barrage of riders turning up, there were some new faces and some old, but what I do know is there was too many to name.

But ill have a go anyway .. thanks to Matt Paine, Tom May, Paulo Carvalho, Jamie Dalzell, Gareth Wilson, Jack Clark, Scott Donovan, Luke Duffy and anyone else who i forgot.

A great session with a great bunch of riders

Thanks again to Nike for giving back to the community and letting us ride such an awesome and unique spot..

3 dub whip
3 invert
oppo whip

no hander hip

checking shoe size
Glenn Woods (dude)

downside double peg
3 no hander
lofty 3
oppo whip
3 no hander
3 table

no hander
waiting x2

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Snow in May, with a hint of shredding...

Amongst all the intertwining wires and plugs i managed to pull free the batteries from the grasps of the charging unit, so after loading up my flashes and camera with power I jumped on my bike and began my voyage to Romford.

Just squeezing through the sliding guillotines that are the national express doors, i make myself at home and listen to some classic fleetwood mac, which has gotta be some of the best travelling music to date.

Rom has always had somewhat of a mystical ora, down to its age, its history, and along with so many lines, ramps, bowls, and precariously placed obstacles, its ability to keep anyone busy is unrivalled.  With that in mind when i arrived there was a plethora of household names padding up and getting ready for a session at was has to be one of the best parks in the U.K.

Let the shred-fest begin, From 4-8 so much great riding went down, from outrageous games of bike on the new 6ft mini, to the loftiest alley-oop 270 foot-jam as well as getting the chance to witness some huge boosts on the wedge quarter perched on one of the many banks that litter the park.

The locals were holding their own, and taking lead in a few trains to show some of the guys the ropes.

Over the course of the day, more and more people came and went, but the session was constantly buzzing, im sure alot of what went down may have gone under the radar, but so much on offer where ever you looked you'd witness something worth "yoooo'ing"

On top of the great gathering of 20" toting pro's a good Ol' slice of the BMX media turned up too, a wicked selection of the best the industry has to offer, with Fat Tony and Stew Johnson holding it down for the states, and Eisa Bakos and George Marshall doing it for the Limey division. 

The day proved to be fantastic, a good chance to meet more dudes that all share the some love and drive to ride BMX, and gave me the opportunity to start on a new series of portraits. 

So without further adieu here they are...